Monday, March 14, 2016

Welcome to the Wall, Ariana Grande

What can I say other than Bravo? Nothing. Really just spot on work here. Sure, she's an insufferable bitch in her own right, but at least she owns it. She's not the highest paid actor in the world, male or female, talking about how tough it is for her to be hot and rich.

Also, hats off to Keenan for pointing out if you have to tell us how "regular" you are, you're not regular. I've never, ever had to describe how underwhelming I am. Only extraordinary people have to do that. Looking at you, Cuban. Your wikipedia blurb reads "American billionaire entrepreneur". You can knock it off with the t-shirt and flip flops. You're not one of us.

PS - Cuban is 57. My dad conservatively looks a decade older than him and is basically the same age (I think?!? I don't know. I'm at that age where I forget how old my parents are and have to count back from their birth years.).

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