Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The New Sherlock Trailer Gave Me The Feels


So. Freaking. In.

Hat tip to the producers of Sherlock on their success because it appears the budget more than tripled for Series 4 ("They're much more than seasons"). Everything in the trailer looks noticeably bigger from the sets to the effect (which is not saying much because I think that was the first time we've seen actual pyro).

The show has clearly taken a much darker turn where it seems as no one is safe, a fact that always makes for better television.

Now, let's mark out for a minute. First, no one claims to love their fans while never actually backing the claim quite like the producers of Sherlock. After all, we are talking about a group of people openly mocked all the fan theory concerning how Sherlock survived the Reichenbach Fall by spending over half of a welcome back episode by spitting in the face of their fans and calling them stupid. Yet we ate it up because we're stupid, and they said they were paying homage to us. Savage stuff, there.

In yet another middle finger to the audience, Mark Gattis, series co-creator and executive producer, stated that "The Abominable Bride" would "completely solve the mystery behind Jim Moriarty's message from the grave".

Watson scratched his head: "So he is dead?"

"Of course he is dead, he blew his own brains out, no one survives that. I just went through the trouble of an overdose to prove it," said Holmes.

"Moriarty is Dead there is no question of it. More importantly I know what he's going to do next."

Oh, piss off, but wait. It gets worse.

God damn it. Why did you have to curse me with Andrew Scott as Jim Moriarty Supersonic Tunnel Vision?!?! I can spot that man in a suit from three continents and a couple of oceans away.

Sure, this could be another dream sequence or a scene inside Sherlock's mind palace, but that appears to be more, and while normally I would celebrate my favorite villain's, who doesn't wear face paint, return, I can't truly enjoy this one because the makers of the show won't let me.

The worst part of it all is that I know why they're doing this, so that we will waste more days of our lives arguing how indeed Moriarty lived with sound theory, only to have them return next year and spit in our face again.

"Aren't ordinary people adorable?"

They win. They'll always win.

For your enjoyment, Jim Moriarty's Greatest Hits:

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