Wednesday, August 17, 2016


First, how on Earth did I miss this? I work from home and watch pretty much every South Park marathon that's broadcasted.

I pride myself on always being able to honestly answer "yes" when asked by anyone if I have seen something already because I'm in the information business at the end of the day, so when I see that this preview has been out nearly a month, I feel nothing but disappointment. I'm truly not upset with myself. I'm just disappointed.

Yet again the South Park boys show how much better they are at their jobs than we are, and they probably try less too. I love the premise of mocking the sappy insurance company with clips of every juvenile and vile thing that they've ever done on the show. It was a laugh-out-loud trip down memory lane, and I can't be more thankful that I stumbled across it today.

Next, Dibs.

Finally, I think this promo tugs at my heart strings because I know that it is a brief glimpse into my future. I'm doomed to an eternity of girls, and in all reality, there's a 100 percent chance that my daughter will either a) stumble upon my watching South Park or b) I'll just introduce it to her because she needs to be exposed to high-quality television, television that went there before anyone else.

Here's to September 14.

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