Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Three Despicable Violent Criminals Recreate Shawshank and Escape

(Source)A prosecutor pursuing a case against one of the three men who broke out of a Southern California prison reacted: "Oh, my God, they let Hannibal Lecter out."

Hossein Nayeri, a former Marine who had escaped to his native Iran in 2012, faces charges of kidnapping, torture, aggravated mayhem and burglary. Deputy District Attorney Heather Brown told The Orange County Register the man is "diabolical... sophisticated, incredibly violent and cunning.”

Brown says Nayeri helped kidnap a marijuana dealer in 2012, burned him with a blow torch and forced another suspect cut off the dealer's penis because Nayeri thought the man had buried money in the desert. Soon afterwards, investigators say he left for Iran, but they caught him while he was on his way to Spain to visit family.

The three men sawed through a quarter-inch-thick grill on a dormitory wall and got into plumbing tunnels before sawing through half-inch-thick steel bars as they made their way behind walls to an unguarded area of a roof atop a five-story building. There, they moved aside razor wire and rappelled to the ground using the bed linen.

Wow, talk about a moral dilemma here. On the one hand I LOVE a prison escape story, while on the other, I would prefer not to have a psychopathic, violent criminal leading the brigade. At first I thought the comparison to Hannibal Lector was a bit much, but then I read that he burned a man with a blow torch and allowed it.

Why can't life imitate art? We're completely fine with Andy Dufresne's escaping Shawshank because he shouldn't have been in there in the first place, but when someone actually escapes a prison in real life, he has to be a diabolical, violent criminal.

For once I wish I could just have my cake and eat it too. Why can't we have a group of escapees who were all wrongly convicted of something trivial, like not paying a speeding ticket that collected interest and forces a lifetime sentence. I really want to pull for the escapees, but these guys are despicable. All three have attempted murder charges and are violent felons.

Sigh. It turns out that prison is mostly filled with bad guys. Go figure.

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