Friday, January 8, 2016

When Keeping it Real Goes Right

I've got a couple of thoughts, here. First, honesty is always the best policy. They teach you that in grade school, so hats off to this guy if he is being sincere.

This is a guy you can trust, and we could all use someone like him in our gang. Everyone needs the honesty guy. He's the guy that will keep it real and will remind you that what you're wearing or what you did with your hair looks stupid. He's an invaluable member to any group.

However, I would like to offer another thought. Can we talk about "the reporter" for just a minute? It's tough to be more local news than this chick. If you just close your eyes and hear her talk, you immediately assume she's local news girl, and she doesn't disappoint. The spirit of Cronkite and Murrow live on through her relentless reporting.

Part of me thinks that this guy is just saying whatever it takes to get her away because she is not only bothering every single person in the room but most importantly, she's bothering him. Perhaps the only guy more important to the crew than "honesty guy" is "Fuck off" guy. This guy hero is the guy that says what everyone is thinking and is necessary while still affording you the opportunity to get laid. He's like the anti-cheerleader effect. Instead of your looking better because you're with better looking people, you look better because you're not him. And that my friends, is what it's all about.

Here's to you Mr. Fuck Off guy. You're not the hero we deserve, but you are the hero we need.

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