Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Suicide Squad Trailer Number Two Thoughts

OK, first things first, I am 100 percent going either to need to wear dark pants while watching Robbie as Harley Quinn, or I'm going to need a private screening, something which I can't afford. So, dark jeans it is.

It's simply not fair that the actress that I currently find the hottest on the planet is playing the fictional character that I find the hottest. We all have a default type. Mine is blonde and awful, covered in insanity. AKA Harley Quinn.

However, I have legitimate concerns here. Why on earth is David Ayers not having Robbie use her Jersey/New Yorker accent that Quinn is famous for? We already know she can kill it.

Seriously, I don't understand this move. It cheats the character. We immediately assume every chick with that accent is insane, just like everyone assumes that anyone with a Southern accent is immediately stupid. It's just good science.

Now on to the rest of the movie which appears to be a train wreck because there is way too much going on, way too many cooks in the kitchen.  

Unfortunately, I had a hunch that Heath Ledger's performance has forever ruined any hope we have for another electric Joker performance, and this trailer confirms my suspicions. Jack Nicholson's Joker was great because Nicholson is great, and he just played himself in face paint. Ledger's Joker was great because he hit the heart of the character. He has is great because he is the antithesis of Batman. He has no moral compass because he is amoral, not because he's completely batshit insane, which is pretty obviously what Jared Leto's Joker is going for in Suicide Squad.

It's not Leto's fault either. I hope the pay day was too much to turn down because even if I were an Oscar-winning actor like Leto, you can't win in this role. Ledger's performance is too fresh in everyone's mind, largely because it's on basic cable every six hours and even if you don't like comic book movies, you like Ledger's performance and have seen it. No one wants to see the kiddy, pun-using prankster version of the Joker either, so Leto only has two choices. Either he just does a knockoff Ledger, much like Tim Roth did with Christoph Waltz in Hateful Eight, or he has to go completely over the top. Hence, we see the Joker swimming in a bed of knives. Thanks, but no thanks.

Overall, I think the trailer did what trailers do now, show us the whole movie in two-and-half minutes, but I owe it to Robbie to give her my $10. It feels like it's going to be a solid 6. Whatever, see you in August, my flame, my muse.    

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