Thursday, May 5, 2016

Good News! I've Found My Next Driver

Last night's TV lineup was one for the ages and not in a good way. Two meaningful games, Cavs v. Hawks (One could argue calling that a playoff game diminishes the value of a playoff game) and Penguins v. the Caps, were all that we had. The terror that is July TV is fast approaching. Equally as terrifying is what caught my eye on TV3; Christian Hackenberg hits the same driver that I do.

I don't even know why I'm anti-Hackenberg, but I just know that I am. He actually checks the boxes for me, big arm, murders a uniform, strong towel, placement, prone to make either an amazing throw or a horrific one equally at any given moment for no rhyme or reason, and of course, good looking. 

I think I'm out on him because he's the Marco Rubio of quarterbacks. He looks the part until he actually has to perform and then there's not much there. He might be the team captain of the Looks like a QB until the Ball is Snapped team. The Jets' drafting him was all the proof I needed to know that I was right about the guy.

So, the obvious conclusion is that I have to get a new driver. I see no other way around it. It was bad enough knowing that Bubba Watson was hitting it too and that it didn't say Titleist on it, but this put me over the edge. After some quick research I think we found the clubhouse leader.

BOOM! POW! Problem solved. I need the Hammer X like I need air to breathe. I don't want it either. I NEEEEED it. Like Yesterday. It's pretty obvious that the Hammer X will take my game to the moon. I kinda feel sorry for everyone that has to play with me now.

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