Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Thank God for John Daly. He Always Has Something to Pick Me Up When I'm Feeling Blue.

So, I spent the entire day telling anyone that would ask that I really believed that the Thunder were the better team right now. I know Golden State won a record-setting amount of games, but if you really think this is the same team that did that, then I've got nothing for you. OKC is switching on Curry and is frustrating him to no end. They have driven Draymond insane and not the he's playing out of his mind insane rather the he's kicking people in the dick insane.

Pretty sure the Warriors didn't get a stop the entire second quarter either, which is a bold strategy considering they're only shooting 4-of-12 from three and are 9-of-17 from the free throw line.

So, needless to say, I've been feeling pretty shitty since the second quarter started because I didn't take the OKC money line. I didn't want it all day. I needed it. I kept waiting for it to go up just a little more because I knew come game time that people would hammer the Warriors because everyone would remember that the team that wore their jerseys from November to April won 73 games. Rookie mistake. I lived rent free in my own head.

Always trust your gut. Always. Rule No. 2 behind Scared Money Don't Make Money.

However, just when I think I could feel any worse, John Daly goes and does something like this video and reminds me just how important friendship is in times of need.

Seneca once wrote, "One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."

I can think of no one who understands me more than John. Bless you, friend. Bless you.

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